неделя, 29 август 2010 г.

Описание на втори епизод

Карнавалът от ада - Когато обърканата и отчаяна Карлайн (Кендис Акола) напуска болницата и се присъединява към приятелите си в карнавала на Мистик Фолс, Деймън (Иън Сомърхолдър) иска да предприеме незабавни действия, но Стефан (Пол Уесли) и Елена (Нина Добрев ) заставят на страната на Карлайн. Мат (Зак Роериг) е напълно объркана от поведението на Карлайн, но все още се опитва да и каже за чувствата си към нея. Деймън има подозрения за чичо Мейсън (гост-звезда Тейлър Кини) и използва Тайлър (Майкъл Тревино) в опит да разкрие тайната на Мейсън.Разстроена с всичко случващо се около нея, Бони (Катерина Граам) изкарва гнева си върху Деймън. Стивън R. Маккуин също е част от каста в епизода.Епизода е написан от Брайън Млади (# 202).

вторник, 24 август 2010 г.

Steven McQueen Dave FM interview

Още около Стефан и как се чуства след целувката на Деймън и Елена (Катрин)

n the just-released trailer for "The Vampire Diaries," Katherine (Nina Dobrev) is doing what she does best: manipulating, menacing, and making out.

As always, the Salvatore brothers are her prime targets. She swears that she came back to Mystic Falls for Stefan, but then we see her and Damon take it to the floor. "Kiss me or kill me," she demands -- and he opts for the kissing. After 150 years of pining, can you really blame him?

Damon and Stefan have come a long way since the beginning of the series. They're now allies, if somewhat reluctantly, and Stefan's fear is that Katherine will come between them once again, turning Damon back to his old ways.

I was on set in Atlanta with Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder while they shot some emotional scenes between the brothers - including the scene you see in the trailer below, where Damon fills Stefan in on that fateful kiss.

On a break from filming, Paul sat down to talk to me about Stefan's head space when he finds out that Damon kissed Elena - or at least, the girl he thought was Elena.

"Oh, the kiss. Stefan's first reaction is, 'I'm going to kill you. Like I am going to literally kill you, rip you apart. This is my beautiful girl. This is the love of my life. Stay the hell away,'" Wesley says.

Ooh, feisty.

Now that Stefan's off the human blood, he's gone back to being the rational brother, and he hesitates before the whole fratricide thing becomes an issue. "The thing is," Wesley explains, "Damon and Stefan have done this dance before. All Stefan is thinking is 'I'm not going to let you do this to me.' Eventually, his second reaction is to realize that his anger has never gotten him anywhere with Damon. Fighting fire with fire is just going to get you fire."

Carrying on the pretense of being Elena was just another way for Katherine to toy with the Salvatores -- her favorite pastime. This time, though, Stefan is going to do his best to keep her from coming between them.

"He's furious with Damon for acting on his feelings for Elena, but more than that, he's afraid that with everything that's going on, Damon is going to shut down again. He's going to lose all the humanity that Stefan and Elena have cultivated in him. Stefan can't let that happen. At the end of the day, he absolutely loves his brother, and that's a significant element of the story. In my opinion, it's the most significant element of the story."

Wesley pauses and grins. "He's still really freakin' pissed, though."

Countdown to The Return: The Salvatore brothers & the ties that bind

Countdown to The Return is a series of guest posts by Vampire Diaries fans on topics they’re pondering as we head into Season 2. First up, author Dianne Sylvan examines why the relationship between Stefan and Damon is so compelling and why she hopes the tension will continue throughout the new season.

Vampire romances these days are less than a dime a dozen – they’re becoming almost a parody of themselves. Take one misunderstood teen girl, one immortal hottie, add a quirky best friend. Add clueless adults, a heaping helping of angst, some kind of bad guy to cause the couple problems (preferably bad vampires or, better yet, werewolves), and stir.

What, then, sets The Vampire Diaries apart from the rest? Why does it have us all salivating over the upcoming season…even jaded old ladies like myself, who cheerfully admits she avoids most vampire fiction like the plague (even though I write it myself)?

I think we all know the answer to that one…and no, it’s not Damon…or, not just Damon. As much as we all love a bad boy like Damon (Okay, “bad boy” doesn’t quite cover it, given that he’s a murdering sociopath), or a redeemed (sort of) bad boy like Stefan (who, let’s not forget, has killed at least one person that we know of, and probably more before he had whatever Great Revelation that made him give up the people-juice), both character types are hardly unique these days.

Yes, I’m dying to see the havoc Katherine wreaks on Mystic Falls…in fact I’m hoping she’ll blow the place apart and get away scot free, just to shake up the idea that the powerful female character always has to get it in the end. (Please note Exhibits A-E: Lexi, Bree, Grams, Pearl, Anna.) Yes, I’m looking forward to learning more about Tyler’s…um, animal control issues. And yes, I’m eager to see the development of Damon as an individual, and worried, I admit, that he might get a little too human, too soon. But what I’m really looking forward to is that very thing that makes TVD so fascinating: the relationship between the brothers Salvatore.

In this show you don’t have to settle for either the scary badass vampire or the angsty brooding vampire. We get both, and both are actually interesting, multilayered characters. There’s so much unexplored territory for both boys at this point: what happened to make Stefan stop eating people? And is this really the first time in 150 years that Damon has been visited by the ghost of his own humanity? What have the two of them been doing for the last century and a half?

The dynamic between the two is a perfect example of blood flowing thicker than water. Dysfunctional as it may be, it’s obvious to anyone who sees the two interact throughout the first season that in spite of everything that they’ve done to each other, they both genuinely love each other. Family bonds are some of the most complicated and full of baggage, no matter what species you are.

Surely, if they didn’t care about each other, either one could have killed the other a dozen times by now. Stefan might not be as strong as his brother, but he’s had plenty of time to plan. There are all sorts of ways to kill someone that don’t rely on brute strength or speed, just timing and opportunity. At the very least he could have put a hit out on Damon with some enterprising vampire hunter…but he didn’t.

Each alone, the brothers are only half of a story. I’ve always found the Louis-type of vampire pretty boring: staring at his navel, pining for his mortality, reluctantly falling for the girl whilst trying to warn her away from his Obviously Awful Evil OMG. We don’t get nearly enough Lestat-types these days: vampires who freaking love being vampires. Usually the latter are portrayed as the blood-drenched heartless adversaries and the former are the only viable vamp love interests, but on TVD we have a reversal, or at least a wiggle, of the norm.

Stefan is tormented, yes, but we know there was a time when he drank the world by the gallon and apparently ran around naked in fountains, which I for one would pay to see. It’s evident that there’s far more to him than just forehead brooding…probably entire decades of behavior no better than his brother’s, which only makes it more believable when Stefan says he wants to see Damon change, to see him come back from a dangerous edge that Stefan himself has dwelt on.

And while it would be easy to portray Damon as a soulless killer, both the writers and Ian Somerhalder have brought him a surprising depth; the eyebrows alone speak volumes. The amount of impassioned debate (which is putting it mildly) on various forums over whether or not he should be involved with Elena or anybody else on the show indicates just how well the character has been crafted.

(Just to get my two cents in on the subject, it is my personal opinion that Damon should leave the human girls to his brother and go find himself a full-grown female vampire.)

Even with that individual depth, however, the two Salvatores still need each other to be fully formed characters. Together, the brothers serve as each other’s mirror. Stefan shows Damon his humanity, and Damon brings out Stefan’s inner beast. One could argue that this isn’t such a great deal for Stefan, but in my opinion, he could use a little more beast in him – not as a rampaging killer, but at least as someone who knows how to accept what he is and enjoy his life. That urge to let go is no doubt part of what frightens Stefan about his brother, the thought that if he were to stop hating himself, he might become a monster again.

On its own, Stefan and Elena’s relationship just isn’t that compelling; it’s the outside forces acting on it that bend and strain it and shape it into something that captivates, and the most important opposing force is Damon himself. His mere presence throws everything in motion, starting from the series pilot. I remember watching that episode and thinking that the first half of it was a little dull and predictable…until that window blew open, and the show’s entire energy changed on the beat of a crow’s wings. At that moment, the show breathed…and I don’t think any of us caught our breath again for the next 21 episodes. If I had to describe the entire first season with one word, that word would be GASP.

On the other hand, without Stefan, Damon would just be a villain, with nothing to humanize him. While his adventures in death and debauchery around the globe might be fun to watch for a while, having Stefan to kick around grounds him, makes him seem like a real person instead of a caricature. Elena is a big part of what starts to work on Damon, true, but if Stefan hadn’t been present to stand between them, Damon would likely have swept in and used her as cruelly as he did Caroline, before allowing himself to know her as a person and not a toy or snack. Interacting with Stefan forced Damon to slow down and interact with Elena, which made him see her as more than a Katherine-doll he could play with.

Where will all of this go in the upcoming season? From what we’ve seen so far, it won’t be any less emotionally fraught than the first. One way or another despite Damon’s attraction to Elena, and Stefan’s poisonous jealousy, the boys will have to cooperate to protect the town from Katherine, because despite Bonnie’s assertions that she’s the BWIC (Badass Witch in Charge), I doubt that she can take Katherine down on her own. Somehow, Stefan and Damon are going to have to work together, because whatever Katherine ultimately wants in Mystic Falls, it can’t be good for Elena or anyone else with a pulse.

Personally, I don’t want to see the two brothers completely bury the hatchet, at least not any time soon. Unless one or both does a complete character reversal and becomes essentially unrecognizable as himself, they will always exist in opposition – not black and white, but more like two shades of grey that slide and shift around each other but never quite match. They may orbit each other, each taking on the other’s traits for a while, but deep down, that tension will always be there, planting suspicion and doubt, making every word spoken between them both a threat and a promise.

It would be a great disservice to the show if they were to just be friends without any lingering animosity. The things that make each brother who he is will always ensure that they best they can hope for is a fragile détente, and if that state of magnetic attraction/repulsion were to disappear, it would mean that each had lost the spark that makes him more than just another sexy vampire in a black leather jacket.

Not, of course, that we don’t love our sexy vampires. In fact if you were to sum up my hopes for the coming season, they would be: even more gasping…and even fewer shirts.

Dianne Sylvan, who was a Vampire Diaries fangirl in the Ancient Days before the internet, is the author of the forthcoming Queen of Shadows (in stores August 31), a novel of the Shadow World. She lives, writes, and drinks copious amounts of coffee in Austin, Texas.

Интервю със спойлери на Стивън Р МакКуин

In the latest Vampire Diaries trailer, Elena tries to shake her brother awake, following his first season finale overdose.

Well, spoiler alert, fans: Jeremy Gilbert lives! We know this because Steven R. McQueen spoke with TV Fanatic this week and previewed his character's upcoming arc on the series. Excerpts from the interview are below...

What can you tell us about Jeremy this season?
Obviously I can’t give away everything, when it comes to if he turns into a vampire or not. I can say this: Jeremy has been pushed around quite a bit. He’s lost his parents, lost his first love, and all of the sudden there’s this new girl that he relates to because she’s an outsider as well, so they connect on that level. When he loses her, she’s the last person, and he lets himself go emotionally. He’s a little cold to the world now. Instead of being pushed around and wearing his heart on his sleeve; he’s about to push back a little bit.

Do you think Jeremy initiated the change for all of the wrong reasons?
He doesn’t have any humanity anymore. He doesn’t trust his sister because she betrayed him, he doesn’t really trust anybody and everyone views him as a kind of monster, so I think his mindset is “everyone already sees me as a monster, why not become one?”

As Jeremy

Obviously, Jeremy wakes up, changed or not changed. Can you tell me how life goes when he does wake up?
Jeremy is a little more calculated. He always had his heart on his sleeve, and he doesn’t [use] emotion anymore. He thinks logically of how he can control the situation.

Will Jeremy and Elena be able to repair their relationship?
They actually get into a fist fight in the first episode [laughs].

Will Jeremy and Katherine have a run-in?

I think the whole Vampire Diaries fan base was in uproar when Anna died.
[Malese Jow is] a very talented actress, and she’s a great girl. It was a bummer to lose her. The writers want people go through an emotional roller coaster. We had an intense connection, and things were finally feeling alright for Jeremy.

Are there any new girls in Jeremy’s future?
I don’t think, emotionally, he’s going to let himself open up to any situation like that. Physically, I’m sure he’ll indulge a little bit.

Last season, Jeremy went from brooding to care-free (when Damon erased his memory) and then back again. What was it like to play these opposing emotions?
Jeremy is just an interesting character because he’s never in the same mental state. He’s always changing. The only thing about when he made that switch is he went from being aware. He was totally out of loop when he was all happy.

If you had the chance, would you choose to be immortal?
Oh yeah. I think, anytime we can break away from society, and break the rules, I would definitely try to indulge in that.

Are you drawn to darker characters?
Being an actor is being make believe. Any time there’s more to play with, the more fun it is for me. I like characters with emotional issues, and I enjoy playing the outsider. Everyone wants me to play the boy next door, but I try to break away from that.

We spoke to Jessica Szohr about Piranha 3D, and you star in that movie, as well. What is your character like?
I’m a complete nerd. I’m not getting into any trouble, I’m very straight edge. I’m in love with Jessica Szohr’s character and she’s older than me and has a boyfriend. I have no chance in the world. We get into this Girls Gone Wild situation where I try to protect her, and then the fish start attacking. Honestly, it’s such a fun movie. I saw a little bit of it, and it’s hilarious and scary at the same time. It’s like Snakes on a Plane, but with fish. It’s much darker and gruesome than The Vampire Diaries.

Завършен траклист на Дневниците на Вампира

Ето го и списъкъст песни :)

Complete tracklisting:

1. Vampire Diaries Theme (Intro) – Mike Suby
2. Sleep Alone – Bat for Lashes
3. Running Up That Hill – Placebo
4. Obsession – Sky Ferreira
5. Bloodstream (Vampire Diaries Remix) – Stateless
6. On Melancholy Hill (Feed Me Remix) – Gorillaz
7. We Radiate – Goldfrapp
8. Hammock – Howls
9. The Fellowship – Smashing Pumpkins
10. Head Over Heels – Digital Daggers
11. Down – Jason Walker
12. Currency of Love – Silversun Pickups
13. Beauty of the Dark – Mads Langer
14. All You Wanted – Sounds Under Radio featuring Alison Sudol of A Fine Frenzy
15. Vampire Diaries Theme (Outro) – Mike Suby

неделя, 22 август 2010 г.

Сезон втори спойлери към първи епизод

Преведох този спойлер за първи епизод :)
Елена пристига у дома и вижда истиснки кошмар, тя открива, чичо Джон и съдбата на Джеръми. В болницата, Шериф Форбс е утешавана от Мат, Бони и Деймън, докато чака да чуе, дали Карлайн ще преживее катастрофата. След обърквашият разговор с Елена за събития случили ли се вечерта, Деймън е първият, който разбира, че Катрин се е върнала.Пристигането на Катрин кара Стефан и Деймън да разберат какво иска, защо се е върнала, и от каква част е заплаха за хората, които обичат. Междувременно, все още зашеметен от смъртта на баща си, Тайлър е изненадан, от очарователният и загадъчен чичо Мейсън Локууд, който пристига за конзолата на семейството.

петък, 20 август 2010 г.

Интервю на Steven R McQueen от CNN

четвъртък, 19 август 2010 г.

The Vampire Diaries Season 2 Official TEASER TRAILER

Иън Сомърхолдър на трето място

Иън е на трето място в класацията за най-секси мъж според списание Glamour World.